5 Day Sailing Journey


Embark on a transformative sailing journey through the stunning Hauraki Gulf, where you'll explore breathtaking natural landscapes and develop a deeper understanding of the environment and the critical importance of its preservation. This five-day sailing adventure is designed to challenge and inspire students aged 14 to 18, pushing them to their limits and beyond, fostering personal growth, teamwork, and a lifelong appreciation for nature.

Goals and Benefits:

  • Self-Discovery: Gain a greater awareness of personal strengths and weaknesses, developing resilience and confidence.

  • Teamwork: Learn to collaborate effectively, achieving both individual and shared objectives.

  • Environmental Awareness: Develop a deep appreciation for the environment and the importance of conservation.

  • Life Skills: Acquire valuable skills such as sailing, leadership, and problem-solving.

  • Friendships: Forge meaningful connections with peers through shared experiences and challenges.

This programme is open to all teenagers aged 14-18. It also meets the requirements for the practice and qualifying journey for Bronze and Silver Award and practice journey or residential for Gold Award for the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award.


  • Dates: 30th September - 4th October 2024 or 13th January - 17th January 2025

  • Cost: $1,575 per person

  • Age Group: 14-18 years

Sailing and On-Board Experience

  • Learning to Sail: Participants will receive hands-on instruction in sailing these historic vessels, enhancing their nautical knowledge and skills.

  • Meal Preparation: Assisting with meal preparation on board, fostering a sense of community and responsibility.

  • Sleeping Aboard: Experience life on the water by staying overnight on the yacht, adding to the immersive maritime adventure.

  • Watch Rotation System: Engage in a structured rotation to cover various sailing responsibilities, including:

    • Reading the Weather: Understanding and predicting weather conditions, crucial for safe and efficient sailing.

    • Route Planning: Learning to chart a course and navigate effectively.

Skill Development Activities

  • Beach Clean-Ups: Contributing to environmental conservation by participating in beach clean-up activities, promoting ecological awareness and responsibility.

  • Raft Building: Engaging in raft building exercises, encouraging creativity, teamwork, and practical problem-solving.

  • Problem-Solving and Communication: Through various activities, participants will enhance their ability to work together, communicate effectively, and solve problems collaboratively.

Historical Significance

Both Lion New Zealand and Steinlager 2 are iconic vessels in New Zealand's sailing history, having been sailed around the world by Sir Peter Blake in the prestigious Whitbread Round the World Yacht Race. This historical connection adds a rich narrative to the sailing experience, offering participants a deeper appreciation of the country’s maritime heritage.


This adventure is open to all students, regardless of their participation in the Duke of Edinburgh’s Hillary Award, making it accessible to a broad range of young people interested in sailing and personal growth.

Personal Growth and Development

The program is designed not only to teach sailing skills but also to foster personal growth through challenging and rewarding experiences. Participants will develop leadership skills, environmental awareness, and a greater sense of personal responsibility.

This comprehensive sailing adventure on Lion New Zealand or Steinlager 2 promises a unique blend of education, adventure, and personal development, set against the backdrop of New Zealand's stunning maritime environment and rich sailing heritage.

suitable for the duke of edinburgh’s hillary award scheme

  • The 5 day programme meets the requirement for BOTH the Practice and Qualifying Adventurous Journey at Bronze, Silver or Gold. Or

  • The 5 day programme meets the requirement for the Gold Residential Project.

  • Important: Please discuss with your DOE Leader to ensure your goals will be met by participating in this journey.


Full sailing specific training is done before the journey starts. There will be an online meeting on specified date prior to departure that must be attended by all participants. For students doing the Duke of Edinburgh Award (optional) would be required to have completed the online Preparation and Training requirement for an Adventurous Journey.

This meeting will be up to 1 hour long.

Upcoming Available Dates

30th September to 4th October 2024

13th January to 17th January 2025


$1,575 incl GST for 5 days + booking fee

Sailing equipment, wet weather gear and life jacket • Professional guides and instruction • Accommodation on yacht • All food


Book online by clicking on blue Book Now button to the right

For more information

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